Prof. Dr. Gebhard Rusch

Academic Director – Institute for Media Research (IfM)

Communication Science, Media Science

Room: US-G 005

Phone: +49 (271) 740-4289

Fax: +49 (271) 740-2533


Office hours: by appointment

Selected Publications:

Understanding – The Mutual Regulation of Cognition and Culture
Strategische Grundlagen der Unternehmenskommunikation
From Face-to-Face to Face-to-“Face” – Zehn Schritte von der mündlichen Kommunikation zum Cyberspace
Fiktionalisierung als Element von Medienhandlungsstrategien (Lecture) 

Prof. Dr. Gebhard Rusch – Vita

Academic Profile:

Date of Birth: October 15th, 1954


1974 High School Diploma (Abitur) in the mathematical-natural science branch

1975-1980 Study of linguistics, literature, history and philosophy at the University Bielefeld, state examination (Staatsexamen für das Lehramt der Sekundarstufe II)

1980-1985 Doctoral studies at the University Siegen, promotion (summa cum laude) with the thesis “Erkenntnis, Wissenschaft, Geschichte – Von einem konstruktivistischen Standpunkt“; 1987 published at Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.

1998 Postdoctoral qualification in the field media science / literature


Since 2008 Technical Consultant/Evaluator for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and their funding program “Zivile Sicherheit” (Civil Security), publication “Schutz und Rettung von Menschen” (Protection and Rescue of People); Member of the BMBF Experts Commission for the advancement of cultural and social science research, regarding the program “Zivile Sicherheit” (civil security)

2007 – 2008 Organization and Lead of the application process for the interdisciplinary DFG-Research group “Mediale Infrastrukturen” (Medial Infrastructures) with the participation of the following sciences: political, social, computer, mechanical engineering, history, media and communication

Since 2007 Member of the Science Pool of Deutsche Telekom to evaluate and do accompanying research for the project “T-City” in Friedrichshafen

Since 2006 Second Spokesperson for the DFG-Research Center “Medienumbrüche” (Media Upheavels)

2005 Organization and Lead during the application process of the University Siegen regarding the federal and state excellence initiative. Application for the excellence cluster “Mediale Infrastrukturen” (Media Infrastructure)

Since 2005 Member of the Jury for the “inkom.Grand Prix”, the price for excellence in corporate communications, sponsored by the German Society for Public Relations (DPRG) 

Since 2005 Member of the Advisory Board for the Magazine “Constructivist Foundations”

2004 – 2005 Assistant Director for the Institute for Media Science (IFM), University Siegen

Since 2004 Board member of the DFG-Research Center “Medienumbrüche” (Media Upheavels)

Since 2004 Academic Senior Council at the Institute for Media Science (IFM), University Siegen

Since 2003 Head of the research unit “Interne Kommunikation” (Internal Communication), University Siegen

1991 – 2001 Academic Council at the Institute for empirical Literature and Media Science (LUMIS), University Siegen

1994 – 2000 Member of the Executive Committee and Treasurer of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and the Media

1986 – 1991 Research associate at the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the special research projects “Bildschirmmedien” (Screen Media), subproject “Mediengattungen” (Media Genres)

1980 – 1985 Research assistant with Siegfried J. Schmidt, University Siegen

Guest Professorships and Rankings:

2002 Placement on a list for a chair/professorship communication science C4 at University Essen

Since 1997 ongoing professorships at the University Innsbruck

Participation in the University´s Self-Administration:

2007 – 2008 Spokesperson for the media science team in the research field 3 (FB 3) as well as being the Academic Leader of the media science degree programs Medienplanung,- Entwicklung, und Beratung; BA-Medienwissenschaft, MA-Medienkultur, MA-Medien und Gesellschaft

2006 – 2007 Chairman of the Second Appeal Committee “Medien und Kommunikation” (Media and Communication)

2005 – 2007 Participation in Committees to develop study directives for BA and MA study programs in the field of media science and all associated interfacultory study programs

Since 2005 Member of the Examination Boards for the media science study programs of the research field 3 (FB 3) (Sprach-, Literatur- und Medienwissenschaften) at the University Siegen

2004 – 2006 Member of the Faculty Council (FB 3) at the University Siegen

2004 – 2005 member of the First Appeals Commission “Medien und Kommunikation W2/C3” (Media and Communikatin W2/C3); Member of the Appeals Commission “Multimedia W2/C3” (Multimedia W2/C3)